Hospitality Services


Each holiday season, the Hospitality services team volunteers their time to transform St. Mary's Health Care Centre cafeteria into a sparkling, magical wonderland to be enjoyed by staff, residents, guests, volunteers and community members. It takes a tremendous amount of time and energy to collaborate, plan the theme, create the various decorative components and bring the whole scene together. Year after year, this dedicated group brings joy, the holiday spirit and a sense of wonder to St Mary's and members of the community who make a special trip to see what the cafeteria looks like each year.

Despite challenges with budget, complicated patient diets and infection, prevention and control standards, the nutrition and food services and environmental services team constantly demonstrate their strong work ethic and engagement. When faced with a challenge, they collaborate to come up with and implement excellent solutions. During outbreaks, the environmental services team does extra cleaning in high touch points to keep staff and residents safe and completes all cleaning duties without overtime. The environmental services staff volunteer to be hand hygiene auditors and to coach employees on proper hand-washing.

The Hospitality Services team has excelled in yearly resident food services satisfaction surveys, received 100% in influenza vaccination rates, received 100% in all OHS audits, scored above 4.0 in Mission and Culture grand-mean, and they never fail to give a helping hand to colleagues from other departments. While keeping the facility clean and making excellent meals, it is the team’s friendliness and fantastic humor which the residents and the rest of the staff enjoy immensely. The Hospitality Services team has extraordinary skills in planning and creativity, but collaboration is where they excel.