Kathryn Kirk, Recreation Therapy Aid, Recreation Therapy

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Kathy's compassion makes the way she does her work very personal. She feels and shares in resident’s happy days and their sorrows with incredible caring and concern. Kathy gives sympathy cards to residents when they lose a loved one. She makes sure her supervisor, co-workers and the chaplain are aware of a loss or sadness a resident is experiencing. Kathy is the eyes, ears and heart of the Recreation Therapy Department five days a week, but even on her days off she is thinking about the residents, families and volunteers and makes sure that others are aware of items that might be missed. Kathy's welcoming nature encourages families to continue being a part of the St. Mary's family even when their loved one is no longer in the facility.

When the local Canada Day parade was not able to come directly in front of the facility, Kathy volunteered to take the residents to the parade route which is 2 blocks away uphill.  She organized families and friends of the residents, staff and volunteers to assist her with this undertaking. She has continued this service and has been able to take out 20 of our residents each time.
Kathy loves to engage her residents in things that are meaningful to them. She reads stories of their era, gathers them for coffee while they listen to old radio shows and facilitates discussion about the story. When Kathy is away, the residents miss her and ask for her. They miss her compassion and the loving care she brings to every encounter.