Reducing Pre-operative Bloodwork for C-Sections Working Group, Labour and Delivery

Reducing Preoperative Bloodwork for C-Sections_Multi_Stewardship.jpg

Grey Nuns Community Hospital
Misericordia Community Hospital

The Reducing pre-operative bloodwork for C-sections team recognized in 2018 that type and screen blood testing was not necessary for all patients requiring a Caesarean section. An interdisciplinary project was launched to determine how Labour and Delivery could best use resources and decrease unnecessary ‘routine’ bloodwork. Colleagues from Grey Nuns and Misericordia hospitals worked together in a six-month pilot project to determine criteria for patients who would not need type and screen blood testing.

This project led to a more responsible use of laboratory resources as well as decreasing unnecessary bloodwork for patients. With very low risk to patients, project data indicates this change will save about $40,000 per year. This project has elevated awareness among the physicians and nursing staff to consider best use of resources and has opened the door to continuing discussions related to lab work on the unit.