Arlene Beck, Care Partner, Nursing

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Arlene has a compassionate way of reaching out to those who are hurting. She meets every person with a sense of kindness, warmth and care. Arlene works hard to connect with every resident at Foyer Lacombe. One hospice resident was struggling and resisted care from staff. Arlene connected with her and found out that she wrote and sang old cowboy songs. Arlene took a genuine interest in her music and made a deal; Arlene would only do her care while listening to her music. This made care more enjoyable for the resident and increased her sense of hope that someone cared enough to listen to her music.

Arlene accepts every person without judgment or opinion. She sees each life as special and valued. She works hard to connect across generations, culture, language, religion, and socio-economic situation. She reaches out with warmth and caring to every person - including the most broken and vulnerable. Arlene is a great listener. She makes sure to check in with each resident and staff member asking how they're doing, and if anyone is struggling is always there to listen. Staff regularly receive expressions of thanks from residents and family for the good care Arlene has provided. Even after residents have passed away, their family members come back regularly to visit and thank Arlene.