St Teresa Place Recreation Department

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The Recreation Department at St.Teresa Place offers programs to meet the diverse needs of the 250 plus residents who calls it home. They make sure programs are the right fit through regular program evaluation. They consult residents through focus groups and incorporate their feedback into program selection and scheduling. They make sure everyone has a voice as they conduct program satisfaction surveys with families and include the feedback in program development. 

The Recreation team shares and borrows resources from other Covenant sites in Calgary. This includes the sharing of ideas, resources, programming successes, books, videos, and equipment. Sharing across sister sites enables each site to effectively double its resources without expanding budgets. They share musical and sound equipment with the Spiritual Care Department and have created an unbeatable partnership with the on-site Chaplain. This partnership has effectively doubled the psycho-social impact of programs offered.

The team shares their knowledge and experiences freely. They host practicum students to coach and mentor future generations of Recreation Therapists. In the Calgary zone, the St. Theresa Place Recreation Department is known for is thoughtful and impactful programming. They have become a drawing card for families and residents looking for a new place to call home. They have a huge impact on the overall Resident experience because of the ways they collaborate and build exceptional programs.