Alanna Kissel, Assistant Nurse Manager, Acute Care

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In her time as the clinical care coordinator, Alanna has come to be known for many things, but the one that stands out most to her staff is her consistency in honoring her word and her commitments to the unit. When it comes to time off, breaks or vacation, Alanna will drop everything she is doing to provide patient care and ensure that her staff get their time off. You can be sure that if Alanna commits to a project, it will be seen through to completion ahead of schedule and with extra effort. During multi-program accreditation preparations, Alanna was a key player who could always be counted on to change, fix, or implement processes necessary for success. 

Alanna ensures team members have the tools they need to provide excellent, safe patient care by providing education workshops, running drills and debriefing with her colleagues about any difficult situation. She follows the root cause analysis model during investigations understanding that most adverse events have the potential to re-occur if the root cause is not corrected. Alanna has been a mentor to many staff, and they feel supported to disclose adverse events, near misses and to request further education or drills that my help them prepare for future needs. Alanna routinely encourages all staff members to complete RLS reports so any patient safety concerns can be addressed in a non-punitive manner.