Dr. Stefan Steyn Physician, Emergency Department

Dr. Steyn is a beacon of respect for the staff and patients he sees in the emergency department at Bonnyville Health Centre. During stressful situations in the ED, Dr. Steyn stays calm as he takes the time to educate new staff and doesn't discrimina…

Dr. Steyn is a beacon of respect for the staff and patients he sees in the emergency department at Bonnyville Health Centre. During stressful situations in the ED, Dr. Steyn stays calm as he takes the time to educate new staff and doesn't discriminate based on experience level. During emergency situations, Dr. Steyn asks for help from the entire nursing team as he sees each person as a vital part of the team and works with everyone to get the job done well. 

Dr. Steyn respects our community’s population with a high amount of shift workers in the oilfield. He understands that people may not have the resources or time to visit physicians during clinic hours and responds to their needs when they are able to get to the ED. Dr. Steyn advocates keeping patients close to home whenever possible. Serving a highly transient population, the ED sees patients from all over Alberta and surrounding provinces. Dr. Steyn will take the extra time to personally call doctors and clinics to ensure patients can be sent from our facility to another closest to home.