Ann Chislett, Administrative Assistant

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Ann Chislett courageously engages in conversations about mental health and advocates to address gaps in the health system. Her passion to give others a voice comes from her own loss. Ann and Tim Chislett's only son, Tyler Bradley Chislett, passed away on April 14, 2015, by suicide. Since her tragic loss, Ann carries on Tyler's memory by having open conversations, supporting mental health education and advocating for community resources. No matter how emotionally challenging the task is for Ann, she leads by example sharing proper terminology, speaking to staff and advocating for mental health resources, specifically focusing on gaps in adolescent mental health. The establishment of a memorial fund in Tyler’s name has provided significant education opportunities for staff at Bonnyville Health Centre. Ann has been an advocate for Mental Health First Aid and openly shares her story to help build capacity, understanding and sensitivity.  

Ann saw firsthand, through Tyler's struggle, that the youth mental health services available weren't sufficient. As her family experienced stigma surrounding mental health, she has responded by joining with patients and listening to them with compassion, not fear. Ann continues to work hard every day to spread mental health awareness and to better equip the health system to address needs. Ann speaks out with a passionate and courageous spirit to give a voice to those who are vulnerable, continuously inspired by her son’s legacy.