Victoria Slany, activities and volunteer coordinator

When people band together, good things happen. Victoria proves this on a regular basis.

Victoria works hard to make others feel special, and she regularly turns to co-workers at Evanston Summit and the community at large to help. When a resident turned 100, she asked everyone in the community to send birthday cards, then delivered about 600 cards to the resident on his milestone day. Every year, Victoria also enlists help to create and wrap Christmas boxes for residents, decorate the facility and hold a party that often includes a visit from Santa.

Last December, she led a “Stuff a Bus” food bank drive for the Veterans Food Bank in Calgary. She recruited local businesses to hep the cause and collected more than 1,000 pounds of non-perishable food and more than $500 in cash and gift cards.

Victoria regularly brings bring people together. It’s a mission that not only helps others, but includes and engages her team members as they work together towards a common purpose. In the end, it’s a win-win situation for all.