Diana Warowicki, social worker

Diana understands that everyone is on their own personal journey. As a social worker at St. Joseph’s Auxiliary Hospital, she works with people on all kinds of journeys, and she is tireless as she helps guide them towards their goals. With a focus on people with a lower social economic status, Diana’s work can be challenging, but her residents’ well-being is a priority. She will be their voice to ensure they receive everything they’re entitled to be it financial benefits or respect.

Diana has a wide network of resources to draw on, and she will tackle issues from different angles. She listens carefully to everyone, asking the pertinent questions to best understand their situation. Then she offers options to help them achieve their goals no matter how big or small.

Diana approaches residents with an open mind and non-judgmental perspective. She has a strong desire to help each person become their best self. She sees their issues, honours their wishes and helps them navigate through their struggles. She does the same for families, recognizing the trials they’ve also endured as they’ve shared in their loved one’s struggles.

The work can be mentally taxing, but Diana regularly goes beyond what’s expected. She stays late if someone needs her, provides staff a safe sounding board and maintains a positive attitude with a smile everyone appreciates.