S. Agnes Mulbah, health care aide

Building community within a community means bringing people together while celebrating their differences. For Agnes, a health care aide at Centre de Santé Saint-Thomas, that means treating everyone like family.

Agnes works with people from diverse backgrounds. While cultures may be different, food is always a common ground. In the spirit of togetherness, Agnes organized a potluck for all staff, asking them to bring food from their own countries to share with everyone. She’s also arranged 78 baby showers – each one a morale booster for staff who understand that they are not only co-workers, but family.

Residents are family, too. Agnes regularly advocates on their behalf. If she sees they need anything – from clothing to toiletries to extra care – she makes it known and ensures they get it. Her actions to build a close-knit community have made residents and staff happier and stronger and, even moreso, has created one big family at the site.