Staff of Rosewood Gardens

Prevention is the best medicine. That’s something the staff at Rosewood Gardens at St. Joseph’s Auxiliary Hospital takes to heart. Their ongoing efforts to be knowledgeable, prepared and organized saves time, resources and, most importantly, helps keep residents comfortable and protected. Education is a priority. All staff undergo essential learning, with licensed practical nurses furthering their education and updating their knowledge on wound care, the safe disposal of cytotoxic meds and medication administration.

When a COVID-19 outbreak occurred last January, the team had a plan ready so they could work as efficiently and effectively as possible. First, all supplies they needed were prepared before visiting each resident’s room. Next, they focused first on caring for residents who had not contracted COVID-19. This prevented any transfer of micro-organisms from residents who had COVID-19 to those who did not.

Team members are careful to always follow proper health procedures. During the COVID-19 pandemic, this included correctly donning and doffing personal protective equipment and always washing their hands before and after providing care to each resident.

By working together and helping each other the team cared for residents safely and efficiently. During the outbreak, their efforts also had a positive outcome. Twenty-nine residents contracted COVID and, thanks to the team’s diligent efforts, every one of them recovered.