Claudia Chow, supervisor

Claudia wants only the best for patients and staff at St. Mary’s Hospital, and she works hard achieve that. She also wants to stay within budget. She understands the importance of stewardship – being resourceful and responsible – and she’s constantly seeking ways to be better: better serve the staff, better use resources and better run the department.

Claudia’s role means she’s deeply involved in ordering and controlling costs for nutrition and food services and environmental services. She knows what’s been ordered, where it’s being used and how much it costs. Her attention to detail allows her to catch errors before they become problems. It’s challenging and important work, and she does it mostly behind the scenes – true to her humble nature.

While she does not ask much for herself, she reaches out to take care of her staff. She recently asked members of the leadership team to provide more education about bullying and harassment, enable CPR training for her staff, and bring in the in-house mental health therapist to work with the NFLES staff. It’s all either happening or in the works, because Claudia knows how to get things done.