Laura Castillo, registered nurse

Completing minimum data set (MDS) assessments and ensuring they’re up to date is an enormous undertaking. It’s also extremely important because it ensures long-term care units receives accurate funding that enables them to meet the needs of their residents. 

Laura, a registered nurse in long-term care at St. Michael’s Health Centre, took on the task. She was instrumental in keeping Long-Term Care’s MDS-resident assessment instrument (RAI) assessment up to date and complete over a four-to-six-month period in 2022 – a time of flux for the unit, with changeovers in staff and management as well as retirements.

In an effort to reduce time wasted on duplicate efforts and other issues that would slow down the assessment process, Laura worked collaboratively with other team members, management and a newly hired clinical coordinator to find opportunities to complete the assessments efficiently and on time. As a result, funding to the long-term care unit appropriately reflects the residents’ needs, and the unit has been able to complete more significant change assessments than in the past.  

Laura’s completion of the assessments has had ripple effects within the organization. Having the assessments completed by deadline allowed for an accurate picture of care needs, and the funding for those needs was delivered on time, instead of being overdue as it was in the past.

In the end, more accurate care plans and timely assessments led to higher quality and more personalized care for residents. giving back to the community. She also supports the COVE Comfort Closet, often on her own time. Staff initiated the program, which collects toiletries, pajamas and other items patients need to be comfortable during their hospital stay.

Laura loves her job. She lives the values of stewardship and works tirelessly to ensure the day-to-day operations are well taken care of.