Shelly Teeter, administrative assistant

Shelly Teeter is an administrative lead who is driven by her overwhelming compassion for everyone at St. Teresa Place, including staff, residents and their families. Her caring nature shapes the way she collaborates with others. She truly believes that bringing people together is the key to success and overcoming any challenges.

Shelly faced a serious challenge in September 2022 when, in the midst of implementing a new master rotation, the scheduler resigned. With no one on staff with experience in the payroll system, Shelly stepped in. She collaborated with payroll staff from other sites to learn the system and ensured all 270 staff continued to be paid.

Her compassion for others led her to help an elderly couple who was discharged from hospital and moving to her site. They could not afford to pay the storage costs for their belongings or to move them. Shelly worked with the storage and moving companies to arrange payments, and the couple moved into their new home where, thanks to Shelly, they knew they would be treated like family.

Shelly values collaboration. She is thankful for those who contribute, and she never fails to give credit where credit is due. As much as Shelly gives of herself, she is always grateful to others who, without a doubt, are just as grateful for her.