Morley Ramsay, quality assurance technician

Morley is a quality assurance technician, a pharmacy technician and the lead for sterile product preparation. He’s also a puzzle solver. That, along with his vast knowledge and professional experience means Morley is integral to ensuring Covenant’s pharmacy products are high quality and safe.

One of his many roles includes coordinating standardized testing of products. It’s an important and involved process that Morley undertakes as efficiently as possible. He’s incredibly thorough, even as he strives to keep costs and disruptions to staff at a minimum.

Morley accomplishes a wide range of complex tasks by thinking outside of the box. For example, he helped create a barcode for pharmaceutical products that work with Epic, a software company that provides scanners for pharmacies. He saved a substantial amount of money, as well as the time it would’ve taken staff to manually place stickers on stock.

Morley has also proven invaluable in helping Covenant sites align with Connect Care. Among other things, he’s spent countless hours ensuring recipes for sterile products align with Connect Care’s recipes and adhere to the most stringent standards of sterile compounding.

Morley is not only maintaining best practices, he’s advancing them. He serves as a subject matter expert for barcodes and sterile products, representing Covenant in many provincial pharmacy working groups. Overall, Morley is tireless. He’s a creative thinker and problem solver, always working to ensure an efficient pharmaceutical system with quality products that are safe for everyone.