Kelsey Bear, licensed practical nurse

Kelsey has been described as the glue that holds her team together. An licensed practical nurse at Villa Maire and a team lead, Kelsey balances a busy caseload while connecting regularly with doctors and staff. She models best practices in patient care and strives to instill that same professionalism in others. She never hesitates to take a new nurse under her wing, happy to share her knowledge and expertise.

Kelsey’s priority is the care and safety of residents. She views every one of them as a person first, understanding their needs and monitoring their health. If there’s an issue, she immediately steps in to take necessary action.

Kelsey cares just as much about her team members. She closely follows Covenant’s policies and procedures and models and promotes safe work practices – all in an effort to reduce injuries and sick time and, ultimately, keep everyone on the unit safe and healthy.

Kelsey never misses a beat. She’s organized, approachable and an example or others on how stewardship and caring combine to create a safe and positive environment for everyone.