Banff Mineral Springs Hospital Auxiliary

For 67 years, the Banff Mineral Springs Hospital Auxiliary has provided invaluable support to the hospital. The group of ladies, founded in 1956, has raised funds and donated immeasurable volunteer hours to enhance the life residents, patients and staff.

From bake sales to fashion shows, the Auxiliary’s tireless fundraising has provided the hospital new and innovative medial equipment, services and educational opportunities over many decades. Contributions have given staff the best tools to do their jobs, create efficiencies in day-to-day operations and deliver the highest level of care to residents and patients. A recent donation went towards improving the hospital grounds, creating a welcoming outdoor space for residents and patients.

Along with funds, the hospital auxiliary devoted thousands of volunteer hours to help care for everyone in the hospital, including staff. For years, the ladies would wheel a treat and coffee cart into every department on Friday afternoons, visiting with staff and lifting spirits.

While the hospital auxiliary has recently disbanded, they will be remembered for their commitment to stewardship. They leave a legacy of caring and generosity that the hospital and the community will be forever grateful for.