Lea Manalastas Hibbs, licensed practical nurse

When people band together, good things happen. Victoria proves this on a regular basis.

Sometimes when there’s a problem, the easiest solution is to remove what looks to be the source. While this might be easiest, it’s not the best way or fairest way. Lea, a licensed practical nurse at St. Teresa Place, understands this, and she’s committed to standing up for those who may not be able to speak for themselves. She looks for solutions that are inclusive and fair to everyone.

Lea and the Joy West team make everyone feel welcome, especially those who may feel excluded. On Joy West, a number of residents who are cognitively challenged often disrupt the dining room area. Other residents have become upset with the disruptions and feel that the disruptors do not belong there.

Instead of removing “the problem”, Lea led her team in a developing a strategy to include everyone. They assigned staff to sit with and assist the disruptive residents, addressing their needs and helping reduce their disturbances. It was a way to ensure everyone felt welcome and part of the dining experience.

She used a similar approach with residents who were sleeping on couches close to the dining areas. Instead of removing them, she designated the furniture as “comfort couches”. The couches are now used for palliative residents for comfort and they are a way for residents to be closer to staff.

When Lea’s not supporting residents, she participates in on-site activities that celebrate diversity and inclusivity. She often volunteers and regularly encourages her staff to do the same.