Rose Sanchez, unit clerk

Rose is as efficient as she is energetic. As a unit clerk for a busy hospice and community transition unit at St. Joseph’s Home, she is thorough in supporting reporting and data collection, avoiding errors that might slow down the process. It’s a busy role that includes training new hires and encouraging others to be just as thorough. Yet Rose still finds time to answer patients’ and visitors’ question and lend an empathetic ear.

A champion of workplace safety, Rose educates visitors on the proper use of personal protective equipment. And as co-chair of the Joint Workplace Health and Safety Committee, she assisted with streamlining workplace inspections to create a better understanding and compliance.

Ever the good steward, Rose ensures resources are used wisely. She encourages staff to reduce their paper waste by not printing when possible. And when she’s called to assist the scheduling office, she has creative solutions for covering shifts with minimal overtime.

Outside of her role as unit clerk, Rose is active in giving back to the community. She also supports the COVE Comfort Closet, often on her own time. Staff initiated the program, which collects toiletries, pajamas and other items patients need to be comfortable during their hospital stay.

Rose loves her job. She lives the values of stewardship and works tirelessly to ensure the day-to-day operations are well taken care of.