End PJ Paralysis implementation team

The End PJ Paralysis implementation team at Grey Nuns Community Hospital brought leaders and teams from across the hospital together to support the initiative, promote it and celebrate the successes of patients. Each team member brought diverse skills to the group and, together, they built off each other to launch the initiative, carry out a sustainable plan for action and share their work with others.

The team worked closely with corporate departments to create awareness about their work throughout Covenant and beyond. Their engagement strategies were both compassionate and creative. Campaigns included “wear your pajamas today” and designing t-shirts that said “#EndPJparalysis…ask me how!” Their efforts prompted conversations and helped enhance sympathy and an awareness for the vulnerability of patients in their care.

The COVID-19 pandemic brought challenges, including isolation, immobility and barriers to involving families. The team dug deep to continue encouraging and empowering other teams to support their clients as best they could.

Throughout the initiative, the implementation team monitored the progress of patients and broadly shared messages to celebrate their successes. They presented at the Worldwide End PJ Paralysis Summit in 2022, serving as an ambassador of collaboration, and demonstrating how a real commitment to working together creates real results for patients, families and health care professionals.