Geetha Mohanan, registered nurse

Geetha has been caring for patients in palliative care for many years. Her commitment to the nursing practices and standards never wavers, even as she demonstrates flexibility in finding solutions that ensure her patients are comfortable and ease the minds of their families.

As a registered nurse, Geetha practises ethical, comprehensive, family-focussed and evidence-based care. Her professionalism is balanced by compassion, patience and a firm belief in a patient’s right to choose and express their own wishes. When a patient’s son made the decision to withhold food from his parent, Geetha knew that food was something the patient still enjoyed. After several meetings with the family, physician and social worker, it was decided the patient could continue eating as long as she could swallow. Geetha also advocated for treatment for a patient she believed was higher functioning and did not meet the goals of comfort care. Through her efforts, the patient was transferred to active care for treatment.

Geetha’s integrity, professionalism and compassion for patients and her love for palliative care is much admired by her co-workers. She is an inspiration to others who see how patients are always her first priority, often to the point where she will stay well after her shift if a patient or family members needs her. Thanks to Geetha, more than one nurse who has worked with her has made the decision to become palliative-care certified.