Food Services

Food is a common language shared by everyone, no matter their culture or background. It’s no surprise then, that the Food Services team at St. Joseph’s General Hospital is viewed as the facility’s “pulse”.

The food team proudly collaborates with others to create meals for special or diverse situations. They served a unique meal to honour National Indigenous History Month, and they include Ukrainian-themed foods on the menu each month to respect the large number of people of Ukrainian descent in the area. The team also works with Wheels on Meals to provide more than 450 meals. And they collaborate with the Palliative Society to offer White Rose Service, which supports grieving families with compassion carts that include refreshments and snacks.

Even short-staffed, the team is flexible, even in the face of challenge. They stepped up when COVID-19 pandemic restrictions required the hospital’s social team to run every food-related activity through the food services team. When plans for the CEO’s visit changed on short notice, the team pulled together to seamlessly accommodate.

They’re always open to change, but the team remains constant in one important area: its commitment to provide a welcoming location on site for staff visitors, families and patients, offering delicious food with a warm and inviting smile.