Day Surgery Hysteroscopy Program

Women’s health programs are essential for healthy women, families, communities and societies. However, it’s a population whose health priorities are often neglected, poorly examined and regularly dismissed. The team behind Misericordia Community Hospital’s Day Surgery Hysteroscopy Program knew this had to change.

In an effort to reduce wait times and provide women better access to minor gynecological procedures, the team established an expanded day surgery program. The program focuses on performing low-risk hysteroscopies under sedation rather than general anesthesia. This procedure requires fewer resources and allows doctors and nurses to treat more patients in a shorter time. It reduces delays for patients who benefit from timely care and creates faster recovery times. It also expands capacity for day surgery gynecological procedures while freeing up time to accommodate other major surgeries in the main operating room.

The launch of the day surgery program improved staff satisfaction by increasing their skillsets. It’s expanded the number of surgeons who complete these procedures and it’s become an important program for ongoing teaching, training, recruitment and retention of both nursing and physician staff. The program has also become the standard of care for many gynecological procedures and the team is able to perform 10 more day surgery cases per week (40 cases a month) with hopes to expand in the future.