Community Geriatric Psychiatry Team


The Community Geriatric Psychiatry team serves a particularly vulnerable and complex population whose challenges often include addiction, abandonment, grief and abuse. With patients often needing much more than medical care to live healthy lives, advocating for their needs is at the heart of this team’s work. As experts in helping patients remain healthy and independent members of the community, the Community Geriatric Psychiatry team is a pillar of support. They believe empathetic listening is integral to building patient relationships, advocating for patient well-being and connecting them with appropriate community resources.

A recent example of the team’s exceptional work lies with a patient who had been in and out of shelters for an extended period of time. Staff worked to find her housing, but realized she needed much more support as she lacked adequate food, clothing and social skills to manage on her own. The team worked with this patient to ensure she had the skills and resources to thrive in the community and take care of basic personal needs, and she is now able to make healthier choices and be more involved with friends and family.