Inpatient Care Team


The Inpatient Care Team at St. Mary’s Hospital works tirelessly to ensure their patients continue receiving the care they need well after they are discharged from the hospital. By working carefully with community healthcare partners, family physicians and other providers, the team ensures patients are supported to reach optimal health in the community. They work collaboratively with these partners to ensure follow-up appointments and referrals are arranged before patients are discharged so they leave the hospital knowing they are in good hands.

To the Inpatient Care Team, ensuring a patient’s family physician is engaged and involved in patient care is vital to excellent care and easing the transition from hospital to home. Building strong relationships with family physicians ensures this transition is as seamless as possible, so the team works to ensure physicians remain a part of the care team while the patient is hospitalized. The team alerts physicians when patients are admitted, provides regular phone updates and is sure to invite physicians to family conferences.

Integral to the success of the Inpatient Care Team is maintaining a strong, cohesive team. They strive to create an environment where each member of the care team is encouraged to voice opinions and suggestions. To ensure the team is constantly growing and to foster a strong learning environment, leaders regularly hold education and debriefing sessions.