Amber Petch, NICU Family Mentor Volunteer, Volunteer Services / NICU

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Amber is an amazing volunteer who loves connecting with the families in the NICU to support them through a very difficult time. Amber brings incredible compassion and dedication to her role. As a family mentor, Amber draws from her own experiences to walk with families through their time in the NICU. She recognizes that everyone’s journey is different and shows them respect as she provides support during a vulnerable, emotional time. Amber listens to their stories, validates their feelings and imparts a sense of hope about their future journey outside the NICU. Amber has impacted the lives of over 60 NICU families in her bedside visits.

Amber supports the NICU program in many ways. For the past two years, she has been the parent representative on the NICU Quality Council, contributing to this committee that focuses on providing safe and quality care to neonatal patients. As an experienced NICU parent, she provides a unique viewpoint that helps bring patients and families to the center of the care. Amber is a positive force of energy and genuinely wants to help families who are experiencing the difficulties of having a loved one in the NICU. She does this through her work with families and by helping to make the care environment the best it can be.