Susie Reyes, Service Attendant, Operating Room

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Susie demonstrates her integrity through her faithful commitment to her work as a service attendant in the operating room at the Misericordia Community Hospital. She is always looking for ways to contribute and when she has a moment between her usual busy duties of doing changeovers or portering patients, she can be found cleaning or doing extra duties. She is self-motivated to make improvements. Susie doesn’t avoid the more difficult or time consuming tasks, but is quick to chip in and help out. She often trains new staff and helps instill in them her strong work ethic. Her influence on the team is very positive as she leads by example.

Susie is honest and direct in her interactions. She doesn’t gossip, but will approach a person directly to discuss a concern or raise an issue. Without judgement or blame, she will bring forward a concern in a neutral and supportive way, making an uncomfortable topic easier to address. She is attentive to dynamics in the team and will speak to concerns. Often this approach leads the team to productive brainstorming and identifying solutions.

Susie has a very positive impact on the work environment in the operation room, not only because of the high quality of her daily work, but because of all the little extra things she does to ensure stocks are well maintained, extra cleaning is done and equipment is organized. Susie is a team player and all those around her benefit from her integrity and commitment to her work.