Terryl Brosda, Admitting Clerk, Patient Registration

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Terryl’s role in Patient Registration can get very stressful with conflicting time commitments and deadlines, mixed in with many phone calls from units, pre-registration of patients for appointments and scheduling staff to cover 24-hour operations. Terryl is a leader in the Patient Registration department. She is extremely knowledgeable with registration systems and processes. She is always willing to help no matter how busy she is. and it is always with a smile. Terryl is patient and explains things clearly. She will take the time to walk co-workers through a process so they feel comfortable. She is proud of the role she plays in the hospital and thrives on trouble-shooting problems and helping others.

Terryl is a Connect Care super user and was an invaluable asset to the team during go-live. She is not afraid of new things and took the opportunity and initiative to learn more than was required. She seeks the best solutions and she worked hard so that  Connect Care go-live wouldn’t have a negative impact on patients. Terryl’s strongest impact is on her colleagues and the patients she speaks to every day in patient registration. Her team members know her to be trustworthy and respectful all the time, but her integrity especially shines during the stressful times.