Site-Based Integrated Operations Centre Design Working Group
The design working group was established to develop the Site-Based Integrated Operations Centre. The centre’s goal was to create more efficient and coordinated access and flow for patients across all sites in the Edmonton Zone.
Many individuals from across disciplines and sites were invited be a part of the group. Their purpose was to provide clarity and establish a path forward for the centre as it developed a plan to improve the movement of patients across sites. In doing so, the group demonstrated how individuals from different specialities could come together for the best patient outcomes.
Although busy in their individual roles, group members made this project a priority. They made time to meet frequently. They were engaged, asked questions and shared their perspectives and priorities in terms of how the flow of patients impacted their patients and their practices.
Their work on the ground floor of creating the operating centre will be essential to its success and ultimately lead to positive changes. For patients, this means more timely access to care. For care teams, it means attention and energy can be focused on delivering quality patient care and less time coordinating patient movement. And for the community, it means sites will be able to meet the changing needs of a growing population as they continue to deliver quality and compassionate care.