
In any care centre, the housekeeping team plays an important role in keeping the site clean and safe for residents and staff. At Foyer Lacombe, housekeeping also serves as another level of connection and compassion for residents in long-term and hospice care.

Members of the Foyer Lacombe housekeeping team engage with residents in their rooms as they carry out their housekeeping duties. These close encounters provide team members with a unique perspective as residents share their stories and, especially in hospice, talk about their fears, their pain and their spiritual needs. Team members listen with compassion and follow up with the appropriate colleagues to ensure a need is met, whether it’s food, a warm blanket or a visit with the chaplain.

The housekeeping team treats every resident with dignity and kindness. They search for ways to make a difference in the lives of the residents through small but compassionate actions: turning on music for a resident, bringing in chairs for family members or finding a way to bring about a smile. Their ongoing attention to these “smaller things” helps residents and their families feel cared for, valued and supported. Every member of the housekeeping team plays an integral role in the overall care of residents. Their caring and compassionate work enables the whole team to respond to the ever- changing needs of residents.