Rylee Crowley, health care aide

Rylee is a health care aide who’s expanding her knowledge in health care. She’s worked on every floor at Centre de Santé Saint-Thomas to learn more about residents. She’s going to school while working part-time. What can’t be taught in school is compassion. For Rylee, compassion comes naturally – and that is making a big difference in the lives of residents she cares for.

Rylee looks after residents’ needs with empathy and personal attention. When one of her residents was unable to get clothes and personal items due to COVID-19 restrictions, Rylee saw her concern and volunteered to take her shopping. As the day drew closer, she provided encouragement when the resident had doubts about the trip. In the end, they had a great day shopping, and the resident had clothes for a year.

If a resident is upset or distressed, she’ll always comfort them, staying by their side to talk or simply holding their hand and, often, bringing a smile to their face. Residents aren’t the only ones smiling. Rylee’s positivity and ability to connect is valued by her team members. Staff enjoy working with her every single day.