Lisa Olson, work lead

As the work lead of the environmental services team, Lisa works with every department at St. Mary’s Hospital to ensure patients receive the very best care possible. She’s well known to everyone in the hospital – as much for her friendly approach to others as for her desire to solve problems that sometimes people didn’t even know they had!

Lisa communicates directly with many departments across the site to address their specific cleaning needs. She identifies issues, presents her solution, then works to resolve the problem. She performs daily cleanliness audits, training, coaching and meets with staff. Her efforts have elevated patient care. Hand-washing scores have never been higher.

Lisa’s desire to solve problems is driven by compassion – she wants to make life better for both staff and patients. When she heard concerns that the staff meeting room was too small and cluttered, she spearheaded a committee to solve the problem. Now it’s a warm and inviting place to meet. When hoyer lift slings were going missing after being laundered, she worried about keeping staff and patients safe without proper equipment. She promptly found more slings.

Lisa is well-respected for her desire to do good. And she’s making things better, one problem at a time.