Lilibeth Cubacub, resident care manager

Some say compassion is Lilibeth’s superpower, but Lilibeth would not be your typical superhero. The unit manager on Spruce Unit at St. Joseph’s Auxiliary Hospital is humble, low key and a good listener. She’s not fighting evil villains, but what she does for residents, families and staff is much more important.

As unit manager, Lilibeth carries out many duties include staffing, scheduling, collaborating with health care professionals and addressing resident and family needs and concerns. In all of these duties, but especially the latter, compassion is her driving force. Her office door is always open. She makes notes about all issues and follows up on every concern to make sure residents’ and families’ needs are met.

Her compassion extends to her co-workers, and Lilibeth strives to create stronger connections within and beyond her team. She instills trust and loyalty in the people she works with.

Lilibeth’s non-judgemental and open-minded nature are key to building relationships. She brings people together, building an environment where residents, families and staff feel accepted and free to express their true selves.