Emergency Department

At Grey Nuns Community Hospital, social justice begins in the emergency department. For many, this is the first point of contact for care and treatment. It’s also the beginning of a journey that involves many partners – each with an equally important role to play in providing compassionate and equitable care.

Health and injuries do not discriminate and neither does the emergency department team. The team treats all people with compassion and respect and works with others to honour cultural practices and wishes. This has included consulting with Spiritual Care to understand the Muslim culture’s specific post-mortem practices and designating a mental health team to better support people with mental health issues in the emergency department.

Easing the flow of patients – from the emergency department to other areas of the hospital to discharge – is crucial in providing care spaces for EMS and patients in the waiting room. The team organizes and prioritizes care for all patients coming to the emergency department and works with no less than five departments to maintain maximum access and flow.

From patient representatives who bring the patient’s perspective to the department’s Quality Committee, to housekeeping who maintains a safe environment, to volunteers who greet patients, many committed partners support the emergency department team in their quest to build a culture of social justice. Thanks to their efforts, the emergency department is a place where all community members are welcome and always receive the best care.