Breastfeeding Clinic

Breastfeeding provides many health advantages for infants, mothers and families as well as society in general. The Breastfeeding Clinic at the Grey Nuns Community Hospital strives to maintain the “10 steps” to successful breastfeeding set out by the World Health Organization/UNICEF.

The small but mighty team that runs the clinic is committed to good stewardship, using resources wisely while still doing their best for their clients. Clinic staff promote timely, adequate, safe and appropriate measures to have clients and families seen in two to three weeks after receiving their referrals. Clients are moved forward, so they can get the best appointments possible based on their needs.

The COVID-19 pandemic presented a challenge, but the team was able to safely implement in-person appointments, while also organizing Zoom and telephone appointments. In the past nine months, the team has provided 3,104 appointments with 1,333 referrals processed.

The Breastfeeding Clinic team shows compassion and good stewardship by being kind, listening and being friendly with clients in what can be a difficult and challenging time in their lives. Everyday they demonstrate that connection and understanding can have a powerful effect on overall health outcomes.