Orthopaedic Arthroplasty Optimization Project Team, Orthopaedics Program


The Misericordia’s Orthopedic Arthroplasty Optimization (OAO) Team places the patient’s experience and surgical journey at the heart of their work. They see patients and families as partners in their care, and they seek feedback and input to ensure the best outcomes.

For the OAO Team, collaborating with patients and families includes developing education and supports that put them in the driver’s seat of their own care, ensuring they can return home within a few days after surgery to continue recovery. The OAO Team developed a patient support passport to prepare patients for each step in their journey, from the decision to have surgery until their one-year follow-up appointments. They also created a post-surgical pain management package to help patients know what to expect after surgery and how to manage their post-surgical pain.

Along with collaborating with patients and families, the OAO Team works alongside community partners such as Home Care to develop supports and ensure individual needs are met after they return home.