Kevin Smith, Hospitality Supervisor, Food and Nutrition Services

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Kevin's team members respect him because he first respects them. He talks to them with kindness and sincere caring and takes the time to show his gratitude for their hard work. Kevin makes everyone feel valued and part of the team. He resolves conflicts by listening to both sides of the story and seeks a middle ground where both parties can feel heard and respected. He spends time working through situations and thinking of possible solutions so all parties are satisfied. Kevin is truly happy for others’ accomplishments and works towards team success, not personal success. He sees the value in team member’s differences and how those differences make the team stronger as they have more knowledge to draw from.

Kevin's favourite work duties are those that involve fun events for the residents such as Cuisine Conversations, holiday meals and special requests where he can make a difference and honor the wishes of the residents.  Recently, Kevin was talking to two residents who needed an early meal as they were going to an Oilers game. They are both huge fans and this event was really special to them. Kevin asked what they wanted for supper and they said fish and chips. This was not on the menu for supper, but Kevin rolled up his sleeves and made this dinner complete with dessert and a hot beverage. He served them both trays so they could eat and not be late for the game. This is just one example of how Kevin shows respect through service and accommodating individual needs.